Water supply in Bhagalpur is based both on surface water and ground water. The town
Receives about 17.1 MLD of piped water from the River Ganga. Tube wells account for 18 MLD of supply and hand pumps 2.25 MLD. It is estimated that 37.35 MLD of water is Supplied covering 18.36% of the town. The current installed storage capacity is 67% of
The supply – there are 7 over head tanks. Ground water is high in nitrate and arsenic.
The core activities are:
• To ascertain the sufficiency and wholesome of water supplied within the municipal area.
• To provide, or to arrange to provide, a supply of wholesome water in pipes to every part of the Municipal area in which there are houses for domestic purposes of the occupants thereof, and for taking the pipes affording that supply to such point or points as will enable the houses to be corrected thereto at a reasonable cost, so that the Municipality shall not be required to do anything which is not practicable at a reasonable cost or to provide such supply is already available at
Such points and
• To provide as far as possible, a supply of wholesome water otherwise than in pipes to every part of the municipal area in which there are houses, for domestic purposes of the occupants thereof, and to which it is not practicable to provide supply in pipes at a reasonable cost, and in which danger to health may arise from the insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the existing supply and a public supply is required and may be provided at a reasonable cost, and to secure that such supply is available within a reasonable distance of every house in that part.
• Planning, Designing and implementation of the works which are required to be carried out for implementation of scheme on a time frame within house expertise as well as by appointing consultants.
• Long range planning for augmentation of new water supply schemes considering the future water supply requirements of the City.
Water research and Water supply Branch Barari, Bhagalpur
Total no of Water tower: 8
Total no of Water supply Pumps: 60
Total no of Water connection: 44000
New Water Connection per Year: 1000
Water Purification:
For water purification used:
i)Slacked Lime
ii) Bleaching Powder
iii) Alumina Ferric
Water purification has been done in every three month.